Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Should Assisted Suicide be Legal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Should Assisted Suicide be Legal - Essay Example arse is hospitalized with pubic louse, death is imminent, and he is in excruciating pain that is not relieved by medicine. He begs his family and his doctors to pole his life so he will no longer feel the pain. John has been diagnosed with a washbowlcer that is not treatable and this cancer will take his life eventually. A medically hastened death that speeds up the outgrowth should be an alternative for John. The pathetic of John cannot be understood by anyone else apart from John himself and to need for death over life is not an easy option. then the decision of John implies a in truth primal aspect of valet de chambre suffering and if he wants to end his misery by ending his life, he should be permitted to do so as this is the only option left for him. With the development in the world, the merciful mind has broadened its perspectives. The spread of knowledge has enabled a someone to know how adult male beings consecrat e evolved as sound as to understand their position and rights in the society. Gone are the times when people used to be suppressed by their powerful counterparts. With this evolution the recognition of the self and civil liberties have been understood. People have reached to levels where they believe that they possess complete control of their lives to an extent that they can strongly advocate the situation that they can choose for death as an option and they consider this demand to be their due right. Pain and suffering is a feeling which is very difficult for a human being to bear. If a person feels that he has lost all hope of living a normal live and his life would only be filled with pain and suffering, he can opt for the decision like assisted suicide. It is extremely important that all options relating to the aspect of assisted suicide should be considered before legalizing it. It should be a practice which should be allowed for people but there should be a set of strict r ules and regulations to check for all the aspects of the person before he opts for this option. This is because many people could opt for this method without any sound and important reasons. Thus a set of rules should be implemented along with the legalization of this method which must include original research on the life of the person who opts for assisted suicide. This should be followed by a confirmation of the fact that there is no way in which the condition of the patient can improve. The practice of assisted suicide has been met with much criticism by many groups. The religious groups argue against this practice very strongly. According to these religions human beings are not the judges of the lives of other human beings and thus euthanasia that is assisted suicide is an wrong issue. Moreover, these religions say that the individuals have to suffer as it has been written in their fate by God himself and human beings have no interference in killing these individuals and reli eving them from pain. A person has to face all the difficulties and hardships that fuck off in their way. Thus opting for assisted suicide is not justified according to the religious perspective (Bowie, 2001). The critics of mercy killing have other concerns as well as they believe that following this practice may gambol the professionals from their original line of work. The doctors and physicians were supposedly the ones who saved the lives of people and provided them the hope of living their lives and providing them with the best possible forms of treatment. Their dish is not to kill them out of mercy. So if a doctor or

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