Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Empty Shoes: The Realization of Teenage Driving Accidents Essay

It is 2 a.m. when Kevin picks up the phone. On the other end, a voice tells him of an accident involving his daughter, Hailey. He and his wife jump out of bed and smash to the scene. Once they arrive, the officer tells them the news. A week later a funeral is held in remembrance of a precocious 16-year-old who was taken too soon. Months pass but the disturb still lingers in Kevins heart. He decides to speak out at Haileys high school and inform the students of the dangers of teenage driving. When he is done speaking, a t all(prenominal)er comes up to him and thanks him for what he has done. She too has lost a child to teenage driving and has found it hard to deal with, even though it has been 5 years since the passing. Kevin then realizes there are other families who are grieving over the same situation. After he leaves the school, he calls his wife and tells her how they mess help prevent teen deaths. They pack up their belongings and head out to inform various high sc hools of the increasing teen accident rates. During each presentation, Haileys shoes are brought out as a reminder of the results of her accident. When the presentation concludes, students are required to fill out a survey. As Kevin reads through with(predicate) them, satisfaction arises and he knows he and his wife have conquered what they set out to do. While driving is a privilege, teens often forget this and instead make excess decisions, which ends up costing them their life or someone elses.When a teen is finally able to acquire a drivers license, they are overwhelmed. No more having to worry about their parents riding with them and critiquing their every move. But what actually happens when parents are taken out of the vehicle? According to the Iowa DOT, Take m... ...i, Wendy. Kyleighs truth Does it protect or further endanger teen drivers? 20 September 2010. Web. 6 celestial latitude 2010.Clarridge, Christine. When a Teen-Age Driver Gambles and Loses. The Seattle Times (Seattle, WA). 7 May 2000 A1+. SIRS Researcher. Web. 7 December 2010.Increasing seat belt use among teens A summary of research, resources, and programs. April 2007. Web. 6 December 2010.Teen Crash Facts. Iowa Department of Transportation. 24 January 2008. Web. 4 December 2010.Teen Driving Statistics. Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association. Web. 5 December 2010.Teens speak out about driving under the influence of texts. 12 March 2010. Web. 6 December 2010.Prevent Teen Deaths from Motor Vehicle Crashes. Iowa Health System. Web. 5 December 2010.

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