Monday, May 20, 2019

Halloween vs Christmas

Halloween vs. Christmas the trump out holi solar days These are some(prenominal)(prenominal) one of the most important holidays to the United States maybe scour to the world. They bring mint joy, happiness, and it mostly brings bulk together to solemnize. These two holidays are very important in antithetic ways. They both bring a different concept. But what are the differences and similarities of this holiday, keep reading this and maybe Ill benefactor you find out a little closely these two wonderful holidays. For Halloween Halloween is full of frights, terror, fun, and is the sole(prenominal) day out of the year a person can be whoever they want to be.On Halloween, fantasies come alive for people of all ages. For children, it means dressing up as whatever fictional character they want to, and acquire the most candy. All of the costumed children are able to walk around at night qualifying from door to door, getting a much candy as they can fit into a pillowcase. Hallow een is the only holiday kids receive so much candy it can last the entire year. Children, can also, recruit in parades, enter, or pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. For adults, it can hold several different meanings, as well.As a parent, you can help dress up your child, paint their face, and put in your hold creativity to the costume. Parents, can also, walk around with their child on Halloween, and smile as their child runs from can to house as happy as can be. Halloween is one of the biggest celebration days of the United States, it is a yearly holiday observed around the world on October 31. Halloweens roots can be traced concealment to Celtic culture in Ireland. According to their Druid religion, November 1st was New Years on their calendar. The celebration would begin on October 31st, and last into the following day.The spirits of all who died in the prior year would rise up and move the earth on this night. This is an evil night when spirits roamed the streets and vi llages. Lord Samhain, the lord of Darkness, would arrive in reckon of the spirits to take them to the underworld. Halloween as it is currently celebrated with costumes, trick or treat, and superstitions, takes from this Druid Holiday. Halloween is second only to Christmas in spending. Consumers spend over $2. 5 Billion during Halloween. Thats a whole lot of candy, costumes, decorations, and bulgey goods. Like Christmas, Halloween is steeped in traditions.While Christmas can be a stressful period, Halloween is all astir(predicate) fun. People really get into the Halloween tradition and spirit. Some religions are against celebrating Halloween, citing its roots in ancient Druid religion. While this is true, Todays Halloween celebrations are all about fun, with a generous amount of imagination Halloween was commonly referred to as All Hollows Eve. It originated from the pagan holiday watching the dead. The Roman Catholic Church created All Saints sidereal day (also called Hallowma s) on November 1st to venerate Saints and All Souls Day on November 2and to honor and pray for the souls of the dead.These holidays were created by the church, in part to downplay the pagan holidays. Needless to say, it did not succeed. Halloween as we know it today has grown from the ancient Druid Holiday. Along the way both fun, frights, and satanic twists acquire been added to the mix. In English, this holiday translates to The Day of the Dead. It is an important Mexican holiday. Where Americans shy international from the topic of death, Mexicans hook up with it. On this day, they celebrate it in a big way. Asian cultures are also known to honor the dead in October.Christmas is both a sacred ghostly holiday and a worldwide ethnic and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a weird leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive.December 25 Christmas day has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870. Decorating the tree is the most important part for the kids because it gets them exciting and they know that it means the presents are coming soon. Christmas is one of the most important holiday thither is of the year it brings people together mostly family. Its the time of the year that family visits each other and mostly because Christmas is so close to New Year its even more exciting. Most people go to church this day because it is consider the day when Jesus was born to Christians.I think there are a lot of similarities in both of these holidays. Both of the holidays are a symbol of something that has happen in the past. They both honor something . In both of the holidays people decorate their homes with the theme of the holiday. In Christmas people give away presents and in Halloween people give away candy. People most likely get together to celebrate this and most people dont work on these times. Either to spend time with their family or to go out and do something. Somewhat they are both a religious celebration even though I dont see it that way.In my church they teach me not to celebrate whatsoever of these holidays. So I dont even celebrate them I just hear about them from people. In Christmas you get change up in your best clothes and in Halloween you get dressed up wit6h costumes. Well this is all I can tell you about these two holidays since this is all I got from the research and all the people I asked about it. When I am older I efficacy celebrate Christmas and Halloween with my family they seem like very fun and happy things to do that makes people come together.

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