Friday, August 14, 2020
What You Need to Know About Nicotine Lozenges
What You Need to Know About Nicotine Lozenges Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking Print Using Nicotine Lozenges for Quitting Smoking Guidelines for Using This Smoking Quit Aid By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Richard Fogoros, MD on October 22, 2019 Richard N. Fogoros, MD, is a retired professor of medicine and board-certified internal medicine physician and cardiologist. He is Verywells Senior Medical Advisor. Learn about our Medical Review Board Richard Fogoros, MD Updated on January 02, 2020 Verywell / Gary Ferster More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery The nicotine lozenge is a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that comes in the form of a small, candy-like, sugar-free tablet in flavors like cinnamon, fruit, and mint. When a nicotine lozenge is placed in the mouth and allowed to dissolve over the course of 20 to 30 minutes, nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream, relieving short-term cravings to smoke.?? You cannot smoke while using nicotine lozenges, so many people use them as a quit aid, though there are many things you should know and understand about these lozenges before using them to help you quit smoking. Pros and Cons Nicotine lozenges offer smokers trying to quit and ex-smokers quick relief from cravings that are part of nicotine withdrawal. However, they are not a fail-safe solution. Lozenges should only be used on an as-needed basis, but since they are similar to candyâ€"both in taste and formâ€"the potential to abuse this quit aid is significant. While you dont need a doctors prescription for nicotine lozenges, they are a serious over-the-counter medication that must be used exactly as directed and you need to carefully wean yourself off of them in the amount of time suggested.?? Brands and Strengths Brand names associated with the nicotine lozenge include Commit, Nicorette, and Nicorette Mini Lozenge; all of these brands are made by GlaxoSmithKline and are available in the following strengths:?? The Commit and Nicorette lozenges are available in two strengths: 2mg and 4mgThe Nicorette Mini lozenge is also available in 2mg and 4mg strengths, but is smaller in size and dissolves up to three times faster than regular Nicorette lozenges Using Nicotine Lozenges You can choose the correct lozenge strength by knowing when your first cigarette of the day is or was smoked and following these guidelines:?? 4mg nicotine lozenges if the first cigarette is/was smoked within 30 minutes of waking2mg nicotine lozenges if the first cigarette is/was smoked 30 minutes or more after waking Nicotine lozenges should be used in the following dosages: Weeks 1â€"6: One lozenge every 1 to 2 hoursWeeks 7â€"9: One lozenge every 2 to 4 hoursWeeks 10â€"12: One lozenge every 4 to 8 hours Do not use more than five lozenges in 6 hours or 20 lozenges in a 24-hour period, and you should stop using nicotine lozenges by the end of 12 weeks. If you have trouble stopping, consult your doctor. Because acidic foods and beverages can inhibit the absorption of the nicotine through the lining of the mouth, lozenge manufacturers recommend waiting 15 minutes after eating before using a nicotine lozenge. Also, you cannot smoke or use any other NRT while using nicotine lozenges as you run the risk of a nicotine overdose. Side Effects Side effects that are commonly associated with nicotine lozenge therapy include:?? Sore throatHeartburnNausea/indigestionHiccups If you experience any of the following extreme side effects, stop using the nicotine lozenge and contact your doctor immediately:?? Irregular heartbeat or heart palpitationsSevere throat irritationMouth sores or other problemsSymptoms of nicotine overdose, which may include dizziness, vomiting, confusion, blurred vision, and feeling weak Special Precautions to Consider If any of the following circumstances apply to you, consult your doctor before you begin using nicotine lozenges: You are pregnant. Smoking is harmful to the fetus, so you should try to quit before you get pregnant, if possible. If you are not able to, its important to work closely with your doctor to safely quit smoking during pregnancy.You are using prescription quit aids such as Chantix or Zyban, or medications for depression or asthma, as dosages may need to be adjusted once you stop smoking. Smokers metabolize some medications more quickly than non-smokers, so be sure to let your doctor know about all medicines youre taking, including vitamins and supplements.You are allergic to any medicines, foods, or other substances.You have heart disease, high blood pressure, angina, or have had a heart attack.You have diabetes, an overactive thyroid, blood vessel conditions like Brueggers disease, an adrenal gland tumor, or stomach ulcers.You are on a low sodium diet or have phenylketonuria (PKU). Nicotine is poisonous, and lozenges may contain enough nicotine to harm children or pets. Store them in a safe place and contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222 in case of an overdose. A Word From Verywell The nicotine lozenge can help you quit smoking, but keep in mind that it is a quit aid, not a miracle worker. The magic for success with smoking cessation lies within you, not a product. Work on developing your resolve to quit smoking one day at a time and be patient. Adding some online support to your quit program will improve the chance of long-term success with smoking cessation. The beauty of online help is that it is available to you 24/7 because people visit from all over the world. Time, determination, and support will help you kick the habit of smoking. Believe that, believe in yourself, and be willing to do the work it takes to quit. Youll find that you can quit smoking, just as others have.
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