Sunday, June 16, 2019

Staff Retention Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Staff Retention Strategy - Assignment ExampleThey argon the customers for jobs. If managers do non prepare a good foundation, they deposenot expect them to stay. Employees pass on no longer endure what they do not like in their employment situation. They have power in the knowledge of their abilities and confidence in their protect in the marketplace. With greater loyalty to their career and their skills than to their employer, they move on. Current paper provides discussion of proper strategies that should be applied for keeping employees who are the greatest assets of all organization. Using the case of London Housing Association, I will emphasize strategies of retention employees in this organization while basically examining job descriptions, recruitment, selection, and orientation, looking at the employees perspectives on the issue.Keeping good help productive and on the job is the keystone of worry. It is an everyday, continual process. It represents not one angiotensin- converting enzyme problem with one single solution but rather a maze of simple and complex problems each with several possible solutions. Successful management deals with each problem and chooses among the pick solutions. Management is, perhaps, problem solving and decision making. In dealing with problems the manager would do well to keep in mind an old rule If you are not part of the solution, then you must be part of problem... If you are part of the solution, you are probably part of the next problem. (Campbell, Campbell, & Chia, 132)The problem of high overthrow seems more evident in some businesses than in others. The manager who faces this problem should be aware that there is no simple solution, only intelligent choices. In making these choices the manager needs a basic understanding of people and why they do what they do or why they dont do what you would like them to do. The choices management makes in these decisions should be predicated upon the goals of the organizati on. The results of such decisions may actually be a test of the validity of organizational goals. Realistic goals which have been developed and accepted by all segments of the organization will prove to be a much sounder base for management decisions than goals developed from a narrow perspective of any(prenominal) one segment of the organization.Both the organization and the employee are beginning a relationship that will not last if there is a mismatch in the midst of the position requirements and the new hires skills. It makes no difference if the mismatch is ascribable to managers unawareness of what they need, not having the right person in candidate pool, not selecting the person who can do the work, or not launching the person hired on the right track. The results are, on either side, unfruitful. For the organization loss of productivity because work is not getting done or not getting done right burnout of overworked employees the often hidden cost of management time to fi x the problem. For the employee frustration due to not being able to use ones skills investment of time and energy to find another position.In London Housing Association retention is be with recruitment and employee relations. Each impacts the other, and all three are related. London Housing Association begins its retention efforts by centralizing its recruitment efforts. Through its recruitment centers it provides better-quality applicants for managers to

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